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Sign up by this link to get free token with price 0.6$ per token.
This ICO will be exchanged in 06-JAN-2018.
Hurry up!

Airfio brings a new revolution in the crypto banking and fintech industry. It is an exclusive platform launching a new application by integrating neural networks (NN) with blockchain technology. The application is proposed to streamline the process and operation of Fintech industry, where higher security and seamless interface is considered a priority. It presents borderless transactions and backed by everyone from superior to an individual.
Airfio with intensifying vision has proposed specter of introducing 21 products by 2022, 7 of which will be introducing by 2019 gradually.
Master Card by Airfio is yet another revolution in crypto banking industry that proposed to affluence its customer using their funds efficiently and smoothly from any corner of the world. Cryptocurrency transaction should be as easy as holding cash and buying something immediately, the Airfio’s Master card is built with priority of fund’s security, contactless payment, auto exchange rate (with regards to time of the payment) and instant dealings. Just by linking the card to your cryptocurrency wallet, you can buy, transfer, invest, withdraw and spend cryptocurrency without any hurdles.
Airfio has developed its cutting-edge and first ever fintech decentralized exchange application which has planned to introduce to the market in Quarter1 2018. It supports more efficient, transparent and productive trading thus deep research is set to place. Since the application is based on neural networks / AI technology, the highly advanced and protected transactions is given a precedence.


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